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The Thriving Woman's Guide to Setting Boundaries Journal Now Available

The Thriving Woman's Guide to Setting Boundaries Journal, the companion to The Thriving Woman's Guide to Setting Boundaries is now available. This guided journal will help you discover what's stopping you from setting boundaries.

From the back cover:

Often we know we need to make changes in our lives, but we don’t have the awareness of what’s going on behind the challenges. Awareness precedes a shift and awareness precedes action. Sometimes all that we require to make a change is to become aware of what is truly holding us back from making this change. Often we require awareness first and then we need to change the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, subconscious programming or patterns that are the glue behind our current state of being. Use this guided journal, a companion to The Thriving Woman’s Guide to Setting Boundaries, to bring awareness to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, subconscious programming and patterns that are keeping you stuck so you can change them and set boundaries with ease.

Buy your copy here

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